Computer screen featuring Divine Radiance, the program for women and those with wombs to learn how to use their menstrual cycle to support their lives

Have you ever learned something and went, “Wow… my life could have been so much different if I had learned this earlier in life!” 

That’s how I felt when I learned about the phases of the menstrual cycle and how to work within the phases of my cycle. 

At 37 years old. 

Meaning I spent over 20 years of my life fighting against what my body was doing, when I could’ve been working WITH it. 

But we aren’t taught how to do that.  

We’re taught that we bleed, how to prevent pregnancy, how to take medication for the symptoms, how to use products for bleeding, etc. Nowhere in that did anyone ever teach me things like the menstrual cycle having 4 phases or what my body was doing in those 4 phases or how to work with what my body was naturally great at or needed during those phases so I could FEEL better. 

At a retreat last year, I was talking with some ladies who were from India and they asked me what I did for work. After I told them, and specifically after sharing about this exact program, they both looked blankly at each other and said, we’re taught all those things in school when we’re young. 

Of course you are. 

There are so many wonderful practitioners and coaches teaching about the menstrual cycle, womb wellness and so many other wonderful topics. In Divine Radiance, I gathered up a bunch of these tools and mentors to crack open a learning cocoon to help you start, or continue, your journey into learning more about your own body and how to support it each and every month in completely new ways than you might have ever done. I’m excited to share this info and these people with you!

Only after I learned how to work with my body and give it what it needs did “that time of the month” become my favorite time of the month. Swear!! Strange to hear, right? Very contrary to what we’re taught and the typical narrative. 

Some topics we go over include:

Foods to eat or avoid for each phase of your cycle

Which workouts are best suited for each phases 

What tasks and activities are best suited for different phases 

Why you feel like you have all the energy in the world one week and are completely exhausted 2 weeks later

How to use the moon as your guide (especially if you don’t menstruate regularly or at all)

And of course, so much more

Learning more about your menstrual cycle holds the capacity to change your entire life. Honestly. I know from experience! 

Divine Radiance is a special energy that helps people feel more creative and vibrant. It’s like a spark of light that can make people feel happy, strong and beautiful. Think of it like the sun on a warm summer day: it radiates its light and makes everything brighter and more alive. We can have this relationship with our bodies, but it takes learning new ways of being, our love and of course, time. 

For women (and those who identify!), Divine Radiance also helps them tap into our natural feminine energy. This energy can easily get shut down when we are too busy, stressed or overwhelmed. Tapping into where we are in our cycle can help us access more of our true vibrancy and make us feel stronger, happier and more creative. 

In essence, our menstrual cycle can be like our own little superpower! We all have this special energy inside us – we just need to learn how to use it in order to truly shine!

Divine Radiance is a virtual, self-paced program and resource share – click here to learn more about it. 

I’ll see you there!!

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