Being a humanbeing is risky business. Have you ever left your house or apartment feeling one way, only to encounter someone else’s not-so-amazing vibe and spend the rest of the day feeling…. off? Icky? Kinda pissy? Yeah, that’s happened a lot to me lately.

Luckily for us, we don’t have to merely succumb to those instances – we can actually do something to counterbalance and correct it. And you know what? It can be way easier than we realize.

Not long ago, I read don Jose Ruiz’s book The Medicine Bag, which is all about Shamanic traditions, ceremonies and rituals to help us essentially be more human and stay in the flow of our human experience. It’s a really amazing read and I would totally recommend it if it interests you.

Since today is the Super Full Moon, I’m recognizing that a lot of the energies I’m feeling are very much tied to this moon and as full moons do, it’s detoxifying things out of my bodies that are no longer necessary for me to carry. There’s an element of surrender, of letting go, of healing. At the end of the day, I always find it so amazing that things have a tendency to work themselves out without us having to interfere or interject our ways or desires onto them. There’s a very real vibe of “let go and let God” to this time that we’re in right now. It’s the hardest thing to do sometimes, but I’m always (read: ALWAYS) amazed at how easily solutions appear on their own when I do that.

Staying in that kind of vibe is tricky though, so in this post today we’re chatting about medicine bags – why you need one and how to create it. In the second video, I walk you through how I’m creating my own medicine bag and why I’m putting certain things in there. If you’d like to vibe-check everything I talk about for yourself, here are the links to take you on the magic carpet ride:

The Medicine Bag by don Jose Ruiz

The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz

Elements of Emotion by Desiree de Lunae

Essential oils

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