Energy Nourishment = Energy Flourishment ~ Food & Your Energy

by Annette Licitra, Wellness Chef and Integrative Nutritions Health Coach; Passionette Palate

Have you been taught how much ENERGY is in whole, real foods? When we learn about foods, what do we tend to learn about? Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, sugars, calories, and so on…sound familiar? Well, we are missing something…that one extremely important asset that gets overlooked – ENERGY. Yes, we eat energy! We typically think that we eat FOR energy, which is true, but when eating whole, real plant foods, we are also consuming the amazing energy that they carry. And, that energy is what helps heal and nourish the beautiful and intelligent machines we call our bodies!

When I think of energy, light and speed come to mind. How much can I accomplish in a certain time frame? How much energy do I need to do that? Where am I going to get my energy from? While all of those are valid questions, do you stop and think “what TYPE of energy do I need today?” Which foods are going to give me the energy I need for today’s activities? What part of my body needs a little extra attention? An example could be having a headache – what type of energy is needed to help that headache go away? You’d better believe there are foods that will help with that! Your activity for the day may just be resting because of illness – which foods are going to help repair so that you can get back to doing what you have to, or what you enjoy? Or, today’s activity might be back to back soccer games that you are participating in…which foods are going to provide the energy that you need? Whole, real foods that contain living energy.

We want true refreshment so we can deal with what’s at hand. A soccer game, an illness, a busy day at work, a sleepless night, etc. Nourishment is so important, and the types of food we consume help support whatever challenge we are navigating that day. It may seem strange to think that foods have living energy, and can provide us with emotional and spiritual support, but that just goes to show how far away we’ve gotten from learning about nature. Whole, real foods carry cell-deep knowledge to thrive in difficult circumstances, and this adaptability becomes a part of you when you eat them. Some foods are adaptogenic in nature, and there are others that are potent stress-assist foods. And, the list goes on regarding what other positive energy plant foods are blessed with. This wonderful energy is meant for US!

All our body wants is to be safe and happy. And, one of the key components in making this happen is through what goes on our plates. We want light-filled foods as these are the most abundant sources of energy. But, what exactly does “light-filled” mean? As the vines, trees, and other plants grow, they absorb sunlight, collect it, concentrate it, and when we ingest it, they pass it along to us. Sunlight has countless benefits for our emotional and physical health; it does much more than providing us with Vitamin D. However, during those months that we aren’t getting enough Vitamin D by going outside, bringing more light into our lives by eating more fruits, vegetables, herbs/spices, and wild foods is a wonderful way to get that extra sun energy in!

Get to know your foods a little bit more, and concentrate on the beautiful natural colors, shapes, sizes, tastes, textures, etc., and you will find that paying attention these assets can change the way you feel and think. Not only that, but they will be providing you with nature’s energy to help you get through your day in ways you would have never imagined. Instead of thinking “how will I get my servings of fruits and vegetables today?” pose it a different way – “what can I eat today that’s bright and colorful?” Sending positive and healing energy your way today and every day.

For more on Annette and her passion for eating for energy, check out her website at – .

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