Show Notes

This one is for you mamas – the ones that are looking to become mamas, maybe for the first time or for the 6th time, who want to do things as naturally as possible. Leilani is our resident go-to for all things natural pregnancy. She shares with us in our time together about her first two pregnancies, which were not done with natural methods, versus her last pregnancy which was. She even shares with us a scary situation she encountered with some prenatal vitamin mix-ups, just another reason to always be your own best advocate! We talk about lady gardens (yes, that’s a thing lol), kids being parasites (we talk about it with love) and other methods to otherwise not lose your shit. Insights from a woman who wears many hats and makes it look easy, she shares her tips on what actually goes on behind the scenes!

Here are all the ways you can get in touch with Leilani:

Email: [email protected]
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Instagram: @itiswell_withmysoul


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Lend a Hand

Do you know an ordinary person doing extraordinary things as a result from otherwise crappy circumstances? Head here to recommend them for a future podcast interview with me highlighting their journey!

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