Heart-shaped dishes of different herbs and spices

Times are tough for most people, and while money is a renewable resource in many cases, in 2020 that seems to have a glitch in the normal flow of the system. While we ride out the bumps, bruises and down right desecrations the year has brought for many of us, we might be coming up on the holiday season with empty pockets and a huge, giving heart. What to do?

For quite a few years, my holiday gifts were handmade. They were bath salts and neck pillows and herbal remedies. Gift giving can be really tough and I wanted to make sure to give gifts people would (might) actually use and so I’m circling back to all those wonderful gift giving ideas in case you find yourself in the above situation – big on love, but short on cash. Herbal remedies and DIY gifts can be as easy as they are cost-effective, and if they’re made with so much love, your recipient will want to use them just for that. I found quite a few different ideas for you that I wanted to link to below, but by all means allow this to be a springboard for your next great project. Google and Pinterest are no doubt full of really wonderful ideas and they’re only a search away. Ahhh, technology. Sometimes it can be grand. I love being able to use food as gifts, who doesn’t love food?! It’s even better when you’re using those foods and spices for their medicinal properties, like the ideas outlined below!

No matter what you choose to do, infuse it with love and HAVE FUN!!

DIY Gift Giving Ideas

Give a jar of herbal tea

Make some “good for everything” plantain salve

Make some “good for cuts and burns” calendula salve

Create your own spice blends for cooking or follow a recipe from around the world

Create some herbal infused honey

Give some immune-boosting elderberry syrup

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