This morning I got to thinking about people’s perceptions, and ultimately their opinions about those perceptions.

What I’ve been noticing in my own life and what others have been saying as well is that a mold is breaking, and people in their life don’t understand it.

This is what happens when you have courage though. You do life on your own terms, in your own way, and you start to give not two fucks about someone else’s opinion of that. You do it anyways. You do you anyways.

Here’s the funny thing I’ve learned about people’s opinions – they love to give opinions on things they’ve never actually personally been through. In my mind and in my life now, unless you’ve walked the path I’m walking or have been through what I’m currently going through, your opinion, judgements and perceptions mean not one thing for me. They don’t apply or matter, because you haven’t been through it. This holds true for me as well, if I have not been through what they’re currently going through, my opinion should not mean a damn thing to them. But we still like to give it anyway. That’s part of being human.

Here’s the sticky part – we tend to get stuck here. We tend to absorb other people’s perceptions and their opinions and their judgments and allow it to taint our path forward. Mostly, this is because it comes from people we expect to be supportive of our lives and our decisions – or family, our friends, our closest support system. When they’re not, this tosses us down a deep dark hole that we need to crawl back out of.

Here is my invitation to you – create your own sacred community. If you are not surrounded by people who support you and cheer you on for being yourself and being authentic and following your desires and being the kind of person you want to be, you need to find a different tribe. A different kind of family. This may mean you need to physically move locations, you may need to spend more time in sacred solitude, you may need to have fierce boundaries with people in your life and back away from the people that are not contributing to your life anymore. You may need to not be as public or as open with these people. This is hard. This involves taking a stand for yourself and valuing your worth and your most precious resources like your time and energy.

Your people will find you, the more you connect to yourself the more you light your magnetism up and it draws them in. It’s the law of the universe, it can’t not. Always remember that you are a mirror – you will always draw in people of like vibration. So if you are finding yourself in a season of Life surrounded by people who don’t align with the vision you have of your future, I invite you to hit pause and seek retreat. Go inward. Spend tons of time by yourself connecting to yourself and who you truly want to be. Then be that person at all costs. Share yourself and your light with the people who support you. Not everyone in your life is going to understand you, or be able to relate to what you’re going through, but the people that need to be in your life will love and support you no matter what and hold their opinions to themselves about how you should be living your life or what you should be doing. There is a sacredness in community about holding space for people to walk their own path according to their own intuition. There is an acceptance and an unconditional love. That’s our human experience – getting to give and receive unconditional love in community.

Sometimes what happens is we start sharing ourselves with people who aren’t in that space for us. We absorb their judgments and it throws us off course, and instead of walking our path, we come to a grinding hault to have to clear out what’s not ours to carry.

Hit pause. Go inward for introspection. Come back out with inspired action that drips with love for yourself and the outward life you’re creating.

You can do life differently, really. 💚

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